
It’s stupid that schools are so unevenly and chronically underfunded, but here we are. This website lets you search for classrooms in your area and donate to help kids who need it most!

I just donated to a 2nd-grade class in Guadalupe to help create a calming corner for kids to take a breather, read about working through their feelings, and have a calming moment without punishment for needing a “time out.”

Pesto’s tumor is growing back :(

Okay, now that I’ve had a moment to feel dramatic about it–

I hoped we’d have a little longer before we had to deal with this again. We have a follow-up appointment on Wednesday, so we’ll get some advice from the vet in a couple days. Trying to think of the positives… like look at this cute frowny face:

This is Baby Boots. She lives down the street and is tiny, cute, and very friendly!

Try to take a nice video of puppy snuggles and this happens >:[

Our little sassy gremlin 💗

I’ve been spotted.. and judged.

I’m just thinking about eggplant parmesan again.

It is a simple recipe, very straightforward, and not too many ingredients. Just takes a long time. I can handle “fancier” recipes that are like that. It also helped that that was the only thing I was actively cooking all afternoon. I’m not great at multitasking.

Someone’s got a little blep happening this morning…

I made a family recipe for Eggplant Parmesan yesterday. It took all afternoon but turned out amazing! I’m very proud.

What a treat to visit Pesto’s favorite place today: the beach!

My favorite part about working from bed is that I get to share co-working space with this little guy <3

Working from my “bed desk” this morning. Ben and I share our office, and he’s doing some big-time presentations at work this week. While he’s wowing his colleagues, Pesto and I are relegated to other areas of the house :)

I had glued and started sewing this pouch before realizing that I forgot to finish the edges of the flap strap. Dang! I could try and carefully do it after I finish sewing, but I might just leave it and let it burnish naturally. 🪡

Sweet Pesto had a follow-up appointment at the vet today. It went well; everything seems to be healing nicely. We’ve added an NSAID to Pesto’s medicinal arsenal—it may help prevent tumor regrowth. We shall see!


I got impatient and bungled my way through sewing this pouch together with straight needles. It was difficult and made worse by the thick thread I picked. But! It’s done now 🪡

~ponders the existence of dinner. Hint hint

I bothered an interesting bug friend on my way to the store the other day.


Pesto got his mouth lasered! The tumor was drastically reduced (yay!), he’s lost some teeth and somehow is even cuter than before. We’ll have to wait and see how quickly the mass grows back. I’m appreciating every moment until it becomes a problem again.

He has recovered from the anesthesia and is a little more mobile than he was yesterday. He’s figured out how to drink water again, and he’s remembered how to eat without having to use his jaw/tumor as a shovel.

Earlier this morning, I heard Ben shout from the kitchen: “He’s drinking water!” I responded appropriately: “YAY!” And then I ran over there to see for myself :)

Suffice it to say that we’re relieved, exhausted, and feel like a big weight has been lifted. Here’s to many more days of enjoying Pesto living his best, most comfortable life.

Pesto showing off his funny toofers