I made a family recipe for Eggplant Parmesan yesterday. It took all afternoon but turned out amazing! I’m very proud.

I’ve been really loving my little project corner lately. I’ve got a bit of WIP-itis, but I like it that way. It makes it easy to do a little here and there and make progress while still enjoying myself.

What a treat to visit Pesto’s favorite place today: the beach!

I had glued and started sewing this pouch before realizing that I forgot to finish the edges of the flap strap. Dang! I could try and carefully do it after I finish sewing, but I might just leave it and let it burnish naturally. 🪡


Waak Waak Djungi - Mother, I’m Going 🎵

Late-90s collaboration between an Australian electronic musician and three Yolngu songmen from Northeast Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, AUS.

🎙️ Bobby Bunnungurr
🎙️ Jimmy Djamunba
🎙️ Peter Milaynga
🎹 Peter Mumme

Released in 1997, unearthed and re-released in 2018.


It’s nice to have the right tool for the job. For leather working, it seems like that tool is always one I don’t have yet. Can my new curved needles just get here already?? 🪡

Purty flowers on a walk.

We got Pesto home yesterday and he looks so good <3

Pesto’s at the vet getting some teeth removed and his mouth-tumor zapped with a laser. The house always feels empty without him here…

Got a bit further on this envelope pouch over the weekend. Size came out a bit weird so I had to get creative with the assembly.

23 seconds of nature on the Lemon Loop trail.

Best art of the dog.

Isn't he lovely

Isn’t he wonderful
