Pesto’s tumor is growing back :(

Okay, now that I’ve had a moment to feel dramatic about it–

I hoped we’d have a little longer before we had to deal with this again. We have a follow-up appointment on Wednesday, so we’ll get some advice from the vet in a couple days. Trying to think of the positives… like look at this cute frowny face:

Checking in on my flowery neighborhood friends.

This is Baby Boots. She lives down the street and is tiny, cute, and very friendly!

Try to take a nice video of puppy snuggles and this happens >:[

Our little sassy gremlin ๐Ÿ’—

I’ve been spotted.. and judged.

I’m just thinking about eggplant parmesan again.

It is a simple recipe, very straightforward, and not too many ingredients. Just takes a long time. I can handle “fancier” recipes that are like that. It also helped that that was the only thing I was actively cooking all afternoon. I’m not great at multitasking.

Someone’s got a little blep happening this morning…

I made a family recipe for Eggplant Parmesan yesterday. It took all afternoon but turned out amazing! I’m very proud.


I’ve been really loving my little project corner lately. I’ve got a bit of WIP-itis, but I like it that way. It makes it easy to do a little here and there and make progress while still enjoying myself.

What a treat to visit Pesto’s favorite place today: the beach!

My favorite part about working from bed is that I get to share co-working space with this little guy <3

Working from my “bed desk” this morning. Ben and I share our office, and he’s doing some big-time presentations at work this week. While he’s wowing his colleagues, Pesto and I are relegated to other areas of the house :)

I had glued and started sewing this pouch before realizing that I forgot to finish the edges of the flap strap. Dang! I could try and carefully do it after I finish sewing, but I might just leave it and let it burnish naturally. ๐Ÿชก

Sweet Pesto had a follow-up appointment at the vet today. It went well; everything seems to be healing nicely. We’ve added an NSAID to Pesto’s medicinal arsenalโ€”it may help prevent tumor regrowth. We shall see!


Waak Waak Djungi - Mother, I’m Going ๐ŸŽต

Late-90s collaboration between an Australian electronic musician and three Yolngu songmen from Northeast Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, AUS.

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Bobby Bunnungurr
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Jimmy Djamunba
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Peter Milaynga
๐ŸŽน Peter Mumme

Released in 1997, unearthed and re-released in 2018.


I got impatient and bungled my way through sewing this pouch together with straight needles. It was difficult and made worse by the thick thread I picked. But! It’s done now ๐Ÿชก

I’m learning tarot and elder futhark because why not. It’s fun to learn. ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Today’s pull:

Card: Queen of Cups, Rx. Rune: แ›, Inguz.