I’m learning tarot and elder futhark because why not. It’s fun to learn. 🔮

Today’s pull:

Card: Queen of Cups, Rx. Rune: ᛝ, Inguz.

~ponders the existence of dinner. Hint hint

It’s nice to have the right tool for the job. For leather working, it seems like that tool is always one I don’t have yet. Can my new curved needles just get here already?? 🪡

I bothered an interesting bug friend on my way to the store the other day.

Purty flowers on a walk.


Pesto got his mouth lasered! The tumor was drastically reduced (yay!), he’s lost some teeth and somehow is even cuter than before. We’ll have to wait and see how quickly the mass grows back. I’m appreciating every moment until it becomes a problem again.

He has recovered from the anesthesia and is a little more mobile than he was yesterday. He’s figured out how to drink water again, and he’s remembered how to eat without having to use his jaw/tumor as a shovel.

Earlier this morning, I heard Ben shout from the kitchen: “He’s drinking water!” I responded appropriately: “YAY!” And then I ran over there to see for myself :)

Suffice it to say that we’re relieved, exhausted, and feel like a big weight has been lifted. Here’s to many more days of enjoying Pesto living his best, most comfortable life.

We got Pesto home yesterday and he looks so good <3

Pesto’s at the vet getting some teeth removed and his mouth-tumor zapped with a laser. The house always feels empty without him here…

Got a bit further on this envelope pouch over the weekend. Size came out a bit weird so I had to get creative with the assembly.

Pesto’s at the doggy ophthalmologist’s office to check up on his eyes right now. Hopefully, he’ll come home with a slightly less intense drop/goop regimen 🤞

Edit: less intense indeed! We’re down to only 3 medications now.

Pesto showing off his funny toofers

Pesto Update

This year has been a bit rough for our little Pest. A few months ago, we noticed a tumor growing in his mouth near his bottom front teeth. We’ve been told by our vet that out of all his ailments, this would be the thing that would take him from us. If left unchecked, it will grow until he can no longer eat or drink water. The only way to remove it entirely is to remove his jaw. No thank you.

Well, it’s grown a lot, and as a result, he can’t eat his meals without puncturing something and bleeding all over the place. Technically, his quality of life is still fine, as this doesn’t deter him from eating all his food with the usual amount of gusto. Tumors like this don’t have nerve endings, which means that the wounds he’s inflicting on himself are not actually painful. Ben and I are another story. It’s been a smidge stressful.

We had a consultation with a specialist in Los Osos who does laser treatments. She seemed optimistic that she could remove a lot of the tumor. While it will undoubtedly grow back, the immediate cauterization would help Pesto heal faster, bleed less, and have an easier time eating and giving kisses to his favorite people.

Pesto has an appointment on Monday to get the procedure. I really hope it goes well. He’s doing so well otherwise, and it hurts us to see this stupid growth bringing him down.

23 seconds of nature on the Lemon Loop trail.

Had a real nice afternoon constitutional today.

A photo of a branch in a tree. A woodpecker clings to it.A photo of a trailhead in the afternoon. A photo of a hillside in late afternoon. A black cow grazes on dried wild grasses. A powerline runs up the hill in the background.A photo of another trailhead. It is metal, surrounded by eucalyptus trees.

Best art of the dog.

Isn't he lovely

Isn’t he wonderful
